We want everyone who comes into contact with us to feel safe, valued and cared for. We believe that each person is made in the image of God, and as a result have an inherent dignity and worth.
We also recognise that we live in a sinful world, where human beings rebel against God and his ways for us, and harm one another in innumerable ways. We believe that the human heart is wicked and deceitful and that we are all capable of falling into sin.
We believe in the good news that God offers us forgiveness and new life if we will receive Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord. We believe that when we submit to God and allow him to work in us by his Holy Spirit, we will grow in our faith and gradually become more like Jesus. Our greatest purpose and joy is to be in relationship with God, and to know his transforming work within us that gives us the power to change and become more Christlike; living lives that glorify God.
The church is a place where the love of God for each person is displayed and where we live, learn, and grow together in our faith. This involves supporting, encouraging, and even challenging and rebuking one another when we sin; all for the glory of God and for our individual and mutual good. We believe that God sees everything and that he knows even our secret and hidden sins and that one day each of us will stand before him as our judge.
As we journey and grow together in this life of faith, we recognise that we are not perfect and that at various times we will all have to both offer and seek forgiveness from others. We do, however recognise that within our church there is the opportunity for individuals or groups to harm, abuse, or exploit others. We as a church wish to stand against any misuse of power, abuse, or exploitation. We all have a responsibility to care for and protect each member of our church community, but particularly those who are weaker or more vulnerable.
If you have any concerns about the way that you, or anyone else has been treated, or about anything that we do as a church, please speak to the Pastor, one of the Church Trustees or to one of our Safeguarding Officers. You can find out who they are from the website or the poster on Sunday mornings. Our safeguarding policy and procedures are available on the website.
As a church we take safeguarding seriously and we work with local and national organisation to help us to do all we can to keep everyone safe. We will fulfil all our legal duties to protect both children and Adults at Risk of Abuse, but we aim to go above and beyond and to discharge our safeguarding duties in a way that is biblically faithful and pleasing to our loving heavenly father, who calls us to do justice, love kindness and to walk humbly before him.
We commit to speaking to you openly and honestly if we have any concerns that you need to know about. If you have any concerns or require any support of help, please do not hesitate to speak to someone that you trust within the church.
Acting Designated Safeguarding Lead: Stephen Watkinson
Contact on: 07793143393